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If you have ever heard the telltale scratching and scurrying of small feet on your roof or in the gutters, you probably have a squirrel problem. While these furry critters may seem harmless – even cute – they can cause significant damage and create clutter around your home. Fortunately, there are several preventive measures that homeowners can take to safeguard their property from squirrels – whether they are nesting in your roof or your gutters.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what harm squirrels can do to your gutters and roof when left unchecked, as well as ways to keep them away from your house.

Signs of Squirrels Nesting on your Roof and Gutters

Squirrels are one of the most common animals you will find around your home. They often look for places to nest, especially during the colder months when they’re looking for a safe and warm place to stay. Unfortunately, that often means your gutters and roof can become a home for these rodents.

Knowing the signs that squirrels are nesting in your gutters or roof can help you take action before any damage is done. Here are signs you have squirrels on the roof and gutters.

1. Chew Marks on your Roof Shingles and Gutters

Squirrels like to chew, so if you notice any chew marks on your shingles or gutters, it’s a fair bet that a squirrel has been there before. Chew marks indicate that squirrels have been using your gutters as their home since they need to create an entryway into the attic where they will find more food and build their nests.

If you find any chew marks on the gutters, you should inspect them further to ensure there are no other signs of damage.

2. Scratching Noises in your Gutters

If you hear scratching noises coming from your attic, it could be a sign that squirrels have made their way inside and are nesting. This noise may be intermittent and hard to distinguish at first, but if you think something is off, it’s important to investigate further and determine whether squirrels cause the noise.

3. Gutter Damage or Debris

If squirrels have chosen your gutters as their nesting spot, then chances are they will leave behind some debris—like twigs and leaves—as well as damaged sections of guttering caused by their digging and scratching. This can cause water damage if not addressed quickly. So, check all sections of your guttering regularly for signs of damage or debris.

Other Signs of squirrels nesting on roofs and gutters

If you see evidence such as droppings or piles of nuts lying near your home, it’s likely that squirrels are using it as their nesting ground. You may also find shredded wood chips or other materials which they use to line the nest they have built on your gutters. Also, look out for gnawed electrical wires or insulation—telltale signs that there are squirrels living in your attic and probably have access to your gutters.

Another sign of squirrels on the roof and gutters is finding small holes gnawed into your roof or siding. These holes can range from dime-sized for baby squirrels to several inches wide for adult ones. Be sure to check all the nooks and crannies around your home for any suspicious holes that may have been created by these rodents.

Do squirrels cause damage to homes?

Every homeowner knows that keeping up with roof and gutter maintenance is essential for protecting their home from water damage. But did you know that critters like squirrels can cause serious damage to your gutters? If you’re seeing signs of a squirrel invasion on your property, it’s time to take action and learn how to protect your gutters from further damage. Let’s break down some of the things you should know about these destructive critters.

Squirrels are well-known for their ability to chew through almost anything, and this includes gutters. When a squirrel finds itself in a gutter, it will begin chewing away at the material to make a nesting spot or tunnel. This can lead to large holes in your gutters, which will then allow water to leak into your home’s foundation or even cause flooding. Additionally, if the squirrel chews away enough material, it could even bring down an entire section of the gutter.

Not only do squirrels damage gutters with their chewing habits, but they also have an affinity for gathering materials from around your yard (like leaves, twigs, and grass) and stuffing them inside your gutters as nests. This clogs up the system and prevents rainwater from flowing properly—which can lead to serious water buildup that causes major leaks or damages other parts of your home’s infrastructure.

Another way that squirrels can damage gutters is by building nests in them. Squirrels are known for constructing elaborate nests, and they will often use materials such as leaves, twigs, and other debris to build their homes. If a squirrel builds a nest in a gutter, it can cause the gutter to clog and be unable to drain properly. This can lead to water damage and other problems, as the excess water may overflow or seep into the walls or foundation of your home.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to remove squirrels from your gutters and prevent future infestations.

Identify the problem

Before you can take action to remove the squirrels, you need to confirm that they are indeed the cause of the issue. Look for signs of squirrel activity, such as droppings, nesting material, or damaged gutter sections.

Find a way to remove the squirrels

Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may be able to remove the squirrels on your own, or you may need to seek professional assistance. If the infestation is small and the squirrels can be easily accessed, you may be able to use a humane method such as a live trap to remove them.

However, if the squirrels are difficult to reach or there are multiple squirrels present, it may be best to hire a professional wildlife control company to handle the squirrel removal.

Remove the squirrels

If you have decided to remove the squirrels yourself, the first step is to set up a live trap. These traps are designed to capture the squirrels without causing them harm, and they can be purchased at most hardware or pet stores.

Place the trap near the gutter where the squirrels are active, and bait it with food such as peanuts or sunflower seeds. Once the squirrels are caught, release them several miles away from your home to prevent them from returning.

Repair any damage

Once the squirrels have been removed, it is important to inspect your gutter system for any damage and repair it as needed. This may include replacing damaged sections of the gutter, sealing any holes or gaps, and cleaning out any debris or nesting material that may be present.

Install Gutter Guards

Gutter guards are an effective way to keep squirrels out of your home’s gutter system while also protecting it from clogging and water-related damage. There are several types available on the market today; some popular choices include metal mesh screens, foam inserts, plastic guards or hoods, reverse curves, and surface tension systems. Be sure to choose the right gutter guards to keep squirrels and other pests out of your gutters effectively.

It’s always best to have gutter guards professionally installed by an experienced contractor who can ensure proper installation and address any potential issues quickly before installing the micro-mesh screens. With gutter guards in place, you won’t have to worry about pesky critter intruders in your gutters ever again.

Prevent Squirrels from Nesting in your Gutters

Preventing squirrels from nesting in your gutters is essential to ensure the health and longevity of your roof, as well as the safety of your family. Fortunately, there are several tactics you can employ to keep these rodents out of your home.

The first step to take when trying to prevent squirrels from nesting in your gutters is to secure any potential entry points around the perimeter of your home. Look for any cracks or gaps in walls, foundations, and attics that could allow squirrel access to your roof. If you find any openings, use a wire mesh or caulk around them to seal off the entry points. Additionally, make sure all vents and chimneys have metal mesh as well.

Another solution for keeping squirrels out of your gutters is installing baffles on the roofline near where the gutter meets the shingles. Baffles are metal tubes that act like an obstacle course for squirrels trying to access your gutters. You should also regularly clean out debris, such as leaves and twigs, from your gutters, so they do not provide an inviting shelter for the animals.

In addition to preventing physical access, you can also employ a few scent-based deterrents around the exterior perimeter of your home. The odors created by red pepper flakes, garlic powder, alum powder, mothballs, or ammonia-soaked rags can be effective at driving away curious critters like squirrels looking for places to nest.

Squirrel-proofing may require some trial and error before finding what works best in each situation. However, it’s important that homeowners take proactive steps against these pesky animals before they become too comfortable nesting in their gutters. If worse comes to worst and you have an infestation on hand, it’s time to call a professional pest control service that can humanely remove them without harming them or any other wildlife in the area.

An effective way of ensuring no squirrels on your roof or gutters is to use mesh covers that fit over your gutters or a sheet of metal flashing that covers the area where the squirrels like to enter the gutter. These physical barriers can be effective at keeping squirrels out, but they may also require regular maintenance to ensure they are still in good condition.

If you decide to install gutter guards to prevent squirrels from nesting on your roof, choosing the right gutter covers is crucial. So, consult with a reputable company like HomeCraft Gutter Protection to determine the best gutter guards for your home.


Squirrels often look for places to nest, and your gutters and roof can become a home for these rodents. Unfortunately, they cause a lot of damage, but you can get rid of them while ensuring that they will invade your home.

Squirrels cause damage to gutters by chewing holes in them, which can lead to water leaks and flooding; by gathering materials from around your yard and stuffing them inside your gutters as nests which clogs up the system; and by building nests in them, which prevents proper drainage. Remember, installing gutter guards is an effective way of preventing squirrels from nesting in your gutters.


  1. What are some common signs that squirrels are nesting in my gutters?

Some common signs that squirrels are nesting in your gutters include:

  • Hearing scratching or movement noises coming from your gutters
  • Seeing squirrels entering or exiting your gutters
  • Finding bits of twigs, leaves, and other debris in your gutters
  • Seeing the damage to your gutters or roof caused by squirrels chewing on them
  1. Why do squirrels nest in gutters?

Squirrels often nest in gutters because they provide a safe and secure place for them to build a nest and raise their young ones. Gutters can also provide squirrels with a good source of food, as they may be able to find seeds or insects in the debris that accumulates in the gutter.

  1. How can I prevent squirrels from nesting in my gutters?

There are several steps you can take to prevent squirrels from nesting in your gutters:

  • Install gutter guards or screens to prevent squirrels from entering your gutters
  • Keep your gutters clean and free of debris, as this can discourage squirrels from nesting in them
  • Seal any gaps or openings in your roof or eaves to prevent squirrels from accessing your gutters
  1. What should I do if I find a squirrel nest in my gutters?

If you find a squirrel nest in your gutters, it is essential to approach the situation with caution, as squirrels can be territorial and may become aggressive if they feel threatened. The best course of action is to contact a wildlife removal service to remove the nest and relocate the squirrels safely. Do not attempt to remove the nest yourself, as this can be dangerous and may cause unnecessary stress to the animals.


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